The Un-Identified - - Exclusive on India TV

Hi everyone...Just couldnot believe this myself, had seen heard but never thought India TV could ever go to such heights...

Actually Hail India TV......LOL...

I Just got this Forwarded mail and couldnot stop myself from posting it. Hope you have fun watching it too.

Snapshots of a news sequence on India TV...

The news goes like this... A UFO spotted to be stealing cows from the fields... and mind you this exclusive piece of news only on our very own India TV. Take a look...

and this piece of exclusive news....only on this channel....

Gosh...people you need to watch out now..your cows are in grave danger cows save the country..!!!

Leaves us all a question: Why is media degrading to such levels.. is it all they could dig out in the name of news? Is it just about crappy stuff to sensationalize? Comm'on people, you have had enough! why dont you just shut it, if you cant get something of substance or credible enough. Bleh.


Solitaire said…
OMG! This is soooo hilarious!! When was this telecasted? Oh no! I hope other countries are not laughing at our news.
Gunjan Aylawadi said…
these guys are totally disgusting! not even funny!
Anonymous said…

what can one say more!

thats lookin more like sme computerized thing :-/
иidhi S said…
@ Solitaire

hi, well no idea abt its telecast time ..but still i cn believe this news cmin on dat channel... they cn show

yeah i knw its such a shame.. to be even called a news channel.
иidhi S said…
@ Gunj

hey, Being funny is something but they really need to watch out the levels they are degrading to.. i wish people dont get inspired... phew.
иidhi S said…
@ Veena

Heylos, sup, long time, its purely looking like a planted thing dunno what it was all about...i thinjk they jst hv one aim...gather info to fill space and then be it any disgusting thin on the face of earth.
Anonymous said…
u r right.. neways sucx big time!

You know I believe in a lot of strange things but not even I believe
UFOs are flying cows out of India.

I've always thought that UFOs were just cover stories for secret military aircraft and the media world wide just plays along.

So many important stories that get bumped for this junk. I use to think this stuff was funny but grew up with this garbage and I'm tired of it.
иidhi S said…
@ Robert

Hi, yeah even i have all my faith for the unsee unbelieveable stuff, but dunno they have to use this stuff to attract some viewership.

now that u have put ahead a point, see anything is possible, there are so many undisclosed controversies/ issues and stories, and m upset abt them not being disclosed.. top on my list remains - CROP CIRCLES. :)

Any Comments?
AB said…
You know what.. I wanted to break my TV after watching India TV.. but my gharwale stopped me - "nahi... tereko hamareee kasam.."..
Then only i controlled my emoticons..
This channel should be SHIFT+DELETED or atleast it's name should be changed!
иidhi S said…
@ Abhinav

I Wish... You knw every time channel is flicked at my home, i get sooo furious and cant control myself from screaming.. till the channel is changed..Phew..cant tolerate it even for a sec...and yeah the must be changed..this is not all Indian media has to offer..
Scribblers Inc said…
dont you think cartoon network could do with competition??be a sport!!:D

Scribblers Inc.
Vrijilesh Rai said…
I'm a HUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEE fan of India TV. You dare not say anything negative about the most hilarious channel on air.

No other channel provides even half as much entertainment as India TV does. In fact, even its scrolling marquees also offer super entertainment !!

You should also chk
Scribblers Inc said…
loooong time...

scribblers Inc.
иidhi S said…
@ Scribblers Inc.

heylos.. well naaa... dunno wase i like disney better and dnt u think that CN is at a much higher level.
иidhi S said…
@ Vrij

hhahha...Lol...Wtever..yeah at times i too try to find some senseless humor out of it...but yeah at d end it does gets irritating at times... see m from d media and i really cannot tolerate all that crap being aired in the name of news.
Trinaa said…
hahahhahahahahhaha...thanks 4 sharing that... twas hilarious ;D
иidhi S said…
@ Trinaa

Hi thanks for dropping by.

well it is hilarious but moreover shameful to see our media working this way.
MEdia in the US have done this so many times in the not surprised that Indian media is catching up on this. I guess they got tired of covering Rakhi trying other avenues :)
nice blog you got here..
иidhi S said…
@ Seriously Frivolous

lol..but still i am of the thought that there still remain too much to cover than this.


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