Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research...!!!

I start off with a famous quote by 'John Milton'.

Plagiarism :
Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. - as said by 'Wikipedia'.

Well recently i encountered a big act of plagiarism on the net and that too disgusting on many parts. Well as you all have been acquainted with my love for HP series, so i have a habit of
reading HP fanfictions sometimes, too tell you what a fan fiction is, it is a fictional outcome realated to HP plot that fans have written out some keeping with the theme of the story while some otherwise. So, i was just reaing one of those and halfway we (fellow readers) found out that the guy who was posting all that was copying it from some other site and meanwhile it came out to be that even that was a fake one. Now we have found out one more with the same story, difference remains that she has more chapters in her posts. Phew - well that was a long chain , and i still cant vouch for her being not a fake. Lol..but in all this i'll miss out on the story as it was really really good.

So to put a long story short i would say that it is such a disgusting business - this plagiarism and i just do not approve of it have never approved of it - what with most people making it a regular to complete their assignments and all. I have just one question for these maniacs - 'Aren't you born with your own minds or it has corroded with the years of non activity?'
How easy and simple it seems with people copying and pasting with the word go.!

With internet user rate gaining velocity people do not give a damn as such to such matters and believe they can just do anything and get away with it.
Fine if you really cant resist you can take a look/ sneak peek / get an idea and try form your own opinions about the issue or matter concerned and start off.

Please give references/ credits to whomever concerned while copying, avoid idiocities on the net. And next time on do not say 'I dint know'. that the foolishest and lamest excuse and the worst that i encountered from the above mentioned case "She is my sis and its our joint work."
i would just say - "jackass".

I call upon comments and if you people have faced similar situations then do tell me coz i think this is the worst issue people today are facing and should be fought back at. It has already become skin deep.


Danen said…
Please note that in your blog on plagiarism you are using my image ( without permission. I Nenad Jakesevic am the registered copyright owner of that image an demand immediate removal with other action to follow. Image resides on my website and was originally published in AFT
publication On Campus in November 2006.
Paulo said…

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