
Showing posts from January, 2008

A trampled Flower...!!!

Hello People...!!!

Just One of the Guys...!!!!!

Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping

A better Road Ahead...!!!

Waiting For that Letter to Arrive......!!!!

Um..Um..I am or am i not?/...

There's a kid in everyone...& I am no exception..!!!

What is your name's hidden meaning..?

My own Dedication to Myself...!!!

If You Believe , Dreams Come true...There's one that is waiting for you...!!!!

"My Own World!"

Clash of the Perspectives - I n that respect i would say " Beleive in your own bigger inner voice!"

Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research...!!!

Life's own Contrasts...!!!!!!

Heyyy....Happy New Year..!!!! ---- Its 1st Jan...marking a new beggining..!!!

New Years Eve..!!!!!! -- 31st Dec.

Well..Well..Well..!!!!!! -- 29th Dec.

Exams Overrrrr..!!!!!! :D - 28 Dec 2007